Who we are

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) was established in accordance with the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act, 1974.
Since its inception, MMRDA is engaged in long term planning, promotion of new growth centers, implementation of strategic projects and financing infrastructure development. The Regional Plan provides for a strategic frame work of MMR's sustainable growth. The object behind establishing MMRDA was to make MMR a destination for economic activity by promoting infrastructure development and improving the quality of life.
The MMRDA prepares plans, formulates policies and programs, implements projects and helps in directing investments in the Region.
The broad responsibilities of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority includes:
- Preparation of Regional Development Plans
- Providing financial assistance for significant regional projects
- Providing help to local authorities and their infrastructure projects
- Coordinating execution of projects and/or schemes in MMR
- Restricting any activity that could adversely affect appropriate development of MMR, etc.
In particular, it conceives, promotes and monitors the key projects for developing new growth centres and brings about improvement in sectors like transport, housing, water supply and environment in the Region.