Organization Chart

Shri.S.C Deshpande
Mithi River Development and Protection Authority
Mithi River runs through the City of Mumbai and carries overflow discharges of Powai and Vihar lakes. The Mithi River runs through densely populated areas and industrial areas in the City of Mumbai and finally meets the Arabian Sea at Mahim Creek, travelling a total length of about 18km and with a catchment area of 7,295 ha. The river is a natural drainage channel that carries excess water during monsoons. On 26th July 2005 the river has experienced deluge after unprecedented rainfall of 944mm in 24 hours coinciding with highest high tide of 4.48 the Mithi River.
UDD-GOM vide GR dated 19th August, 2005, constituted a independent authority called Mithi River Development and Protection Authority (MRDPA).The Authority is chaired by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra. To implement the policies of MRDPA an Empowered Committee is constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary.
Functions of MRDPA -
- To approve the Mithi River Development Plan
- To approve various projects for implementation of the Mithi River Development Plan
- To rehabilitate the PAP's affected by implementation of the project
- To identify implementing agencies for implementation of tasks decided in the Mithi River Development Plan
- To co-ordinate between roles of Govt./Semi Govt./Other agencies for implementation of the Development Plan
- To review the implementation by the concerned agencies and direct the respective agencies for effective implementation of Mithi River Development Plan
GoM,vide GR dated 29th July 2015, has clarified that MRDPA will act as a coordinating agency between the implementing agencies i.e., Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority.(MMRDA) and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) for the works related to the Mithi River and Vakola Nalla projects and clarified that MRDPA is not a Statutory Authority and hence, acquisition of land and rehabilitation work cannot be undertaken by the said authority.Therefore,works with respect to project implementation ,land acquisition, Rehabilitation of Project affected persons, and others shall be carried out by respective implementing authorities, in their respective jurisdiction.