
Mumbai(Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj) International Airport Notified Area (CSMIANA)

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA), Mumbai, is India's busiest airport, connecting India globally to 41 destinations through 40 international airlines and to 44 domestic destinations with 7 domestic carriers. The lands are leased by the Airport Authority of India (AAI) to Mumbai International Airport Ltd (MIAL) in 2006 for 30 years, extendable by another 30 years and the responsibility of operation, management and development of CSMIA is also transferred to MIAL.

Government on 14th May 2009 appointed MMRDA as the Special Planning Authority for this area admeasuring approximately 802.03 Ha. Draft Interim Development Plan for CSMINA was published by MMRDA on 06/01/2011 and sanctioned by Government under Notification dated 17th May 2013.

MIAL as lessee is developing the necessary infrastructure, and airside facilities and amenities in accordance to the sanctioned Interim Development Plan for CSMIANA. City level infrastructure services within CSIA notified area like water mains, drains/ nallahs, power lines, sewerage lines etc. are maintained/ developed by MCGM. MMRDA being SPA for CSMIANA is processing and issuing approvals for operational constructions and also granting permissions for other developments in CSMIANA. Apart from this MMRDA has also undertaken the work of various metro lines in the vicinity of airport area which shall be a boon to the domestic as well international air travelers.

List of Maps

Mumbai(Chhatrapati Shivaji) International Airport Notified Area
Sr.No. Title Download/View
1 Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji) International Airport Notified Area (CSIANA)-Notification (53.17 KB)
2 Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji) International Airport Notified Area (CSIANA)-Proposed Land use Plan (4.12 MB)
3 EP Sanctioned Notification – 3rd March 2014. (5.58 MB)
4 CSMIANA – Notification with respect to Modification to DCR no. 33 – 6th March 2015 (60.54 KB)
5 Appointment of MMRDA as SPA – CSMIANA- 14th May 2009. (2.81 MB)
6 CSMIANA DP sanctions Government Notification – 17th May 2013. (380.5 KB)
7 Map of Interim Development Plan sanctioned by Government. (2.41 MB)
8 Modified DCR CSMIANA 07.08.2024 (12.07 MB)
9 Executive Summary from DP Report of CSMIANA. (510.52 KB)
10 CSMIANA Notification, dated 07.08.2024 (2.48 MB)
11 CSMIANA Notification, dated 29.06.2021 (15.08 MB)