Comprehensive Transport Study
To improve the traffic and transportation facilities in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), MMRDA with World Bank assistance under Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) appointed M/s LEA International Limited, Canada in Joint Venture with LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Limited, India as a consultant to carry out the Comprehensive Transport Study and Business plan. Consultant successfully completed the CTS study in July, 2008.
In the last decade, after the completion of CTS (2005-08) the MMR has seen major and remarkable development such Draft Regional Plan (2016-36), development plan of MCGM, MbPTs proposed development, Thane & Kalyan Growth Center, changes in the alignments of metro/mono highway. While preparation of DPRs, Wadala Notified Area etc.
All these developments have major impact on the Transportation network as Recommended in earlier CTS 2005-08. In order to be in response of these developments, there was a need to update the CTS 2005-08.
In view of the above, to enhance the traffic and transportation system of MMR Authority in its 252nd Executive Committee meeting and accorded approval for appointment of M/s.LEA Associate South Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India & LEA international Ltd. Canada for the work of Updation of Comprehensive Transportation Study for Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). As a part of study, consultant has recommended transport & traffic recommendation for horizon year 2041 (Long Term), 2031 (Mid Term) & 2026 (Short Term) respectively. Consultant has submitted the final report and the same has been approved in authority meeting held on 16th November, 2021.
In this study, consultant have given following recommendation for the improvement of MMR Traffic and transportation study scenario.
- 487 Km of metro
- 292 Km of suburban
- 1090 Km of highway
- 5.60 Km of bus Rapid Transit System/Dedicated bus lane
- 4 state bus terminals
- 13 intro city bus terminals
- 5 Intercity rail terminals
- 7 multimodal hubs
- 5 major truck terminals
- 14 mini truck terminal and 24 water transport terminal.
On implementation of above recommendation, traffic & transportation condition of MMR will be improved. Further it is recommenced that there will be need of approx Rs. 5.01 lakh Cr. Investment for implementation of these recommendations.